All types of cancer are pervasive in America. Many of our Los Angeles readers probably know a friend or relative who has battled some form of cancer, be it skin cancer, lung cancer or a blood and bone cancer, like leukemia. The people who find themselves in the unfortunate position of trying to treat cancer face the challenge bravely. But, the challenge can be even more overwhelming when the person who is suffering from cancer is a child.
It is heartbreaking to see a child suffer from cancer. The child’s family members will do whatever it takes to see that the child gets the necessary treatment. However, for many families, the expense of medical treatment can be financially crippling. And, many people may not realize that children who suffer from cancer may be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
A recent article gave an overview of some of the eligibility requirements for families that are seeking SSI benefits for their disabled children. The article, which was written by a distract manager with the Social Security Administration (SSA), first pointed out that families who are looking into whether to apply for SSI benefits should probably start with reviewing the SSA’s Child Disability Starter kit. The kit is intended to help families determine their eligibility for the benefits, and it includes a worksheet that families will likely find helpful.
As the article pointed out, there are restrictions based on income and financial resources that must be met to qualify for SSI benefits. Los Angeles residents who are in a family that is caring for a child who suffers from cancer may need to get even more information before applying for benefits.
Source: The Jackson County Times-Journal, “Social Security Column: Social Security covers children battling cancer,” Marcus Geiger, Sept. 6, 2016