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Employment does not result in automatic loss of SSD benefits

On Behalf of | Sep 7, 2011 | Social Security Disability Benefits

Many people hesitate to file for Social Security Disability and related programs because they believe that they will never be able to work again once they begin receiving benefits. For some SSD recipients, re-starting their employment may lead to the loss of Social Security Disability benefits, depending on how much they earn and the nature of their disability. However, the Social Security Administration has several programs designed to give SSD recipients the freedom to work if their disability allows, without cutting off their benefits.

Simply going back to work does not automatically result in a loss of Social Security Disability benefits. There are various “trial work” programs that allow SSD recipients to test the waters and determine whether they are physically and mentally able to return to the workforce during or after their disability.

One such program, called Ticket to Work, actually guides SSD through the employment process. Ticket to Work offers vocational rehabilitation, job training and referrals, and various other employment services in order to help recipients reach their employment goals.

The major benefit of Ticket to Work is that it allows SSD recipients to explore their employment options without the threat of losing their benefits. For those who become employed, the program offers several additional features. First, recipients can quickly and easily re-start their benefits if their disability again forces them to stop working. This is known as “expedited reinstatement of benefits.” In addition, recipients who participate in Ticket to Work generally continue to receive health care benefits when they begin employment.

Source: Social Security Administration, “Are you Receiving Benefits and Interested in Working?”

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