When you’re hurt and end up accepting Social Security Disability insurance, one of the things you should look into is Supplemental Security Income. SSI is a need-based benefit aimed at boosting the income of people who are blind or have a disability so they can better afford to live comfortably with a disability.
Every year, the amount you have access to changes. Usually, the amount increases to keep up with the cost-of-living expenses expected for individuals on benefits. As of 2018, the federal amounts are $750 for each individual and up to $1,125 for an individual who is married. Essentially, people are paid up to $386 in benefits monthly.
How has the amount of Supplemental Security Income changed for 2018?
In 2017, an individual was only able to receive up to $8,830.84 in SSI. An eligible couple could rely on up to $13,244.80. In 2018, both those have increased. Individuals can access up to $9,007.46 in Supplemental Security Income, and couples can access up to $13,509.70.
What happens when you earn money but receive SSI?
As your monthly countable income increases, you can see decreases take place in your SSI. Not all income is counted toward that amount. For instance, student-earned income, the first $65 you earn each month plus half of the remainder and the first $30 of irregularly earned income, is excluded from your total income per month. Other exclusions also exist, like income that is being set aside to plan for self-support.
In 2018, if you earn wages, you can earn up to $1,585 as an individual and still obtain SSI benefits. Keep in mind that you may have a substantial activity requirement to meet. If you earn over $1,180, you may no longer meet the eligibility requirements for disability benefits at all.