Most of our Los Angeles readers have heard the expression “when it rains, it pours.” For the Social Security Administration, in the midst of this election year, this expression seems to be more than adequate to describe the state of the current discussion.
Right on the heels of all kinds of recent criticism being leveled at the Social Security Administration over the last several months comes a new report that, if accurate, could be worse than all the others. According to the reports, the Administration has spent six years and almost $300 million trying to implement a new computer system that is intended to speed up the processing of Social Security Disability claims. The problem? – The computer system hasn’t been completed or implemented, even after all of this time and all the resources spent.
It seems that Social Security Administration officials have acknowledged the many problems associated with this new computer system, and they could not even say how much longer it would take to get the program up and running. Members of Congress are investigating this new development and have requested additional information from the Administration.
While these new reports certainly aren’t good for the Social Security Administration, there is something positive that can be taken away from this news: there have been efforts to make the process of applying for Social Security Disability more efficient, even if those efforts haven’t panned out yet. The recent reports did not go into detail about what exactly the Social Security Administration is facing in terms of obstacles, but here’s hoping that the issues that have plagued the new system get resolved quickly so that the millions of Americans who apply for SSD benefits each year can get an answer more quickly.
Source: The Baltimore Sun, “Social Security computer system still not working after six years,” Yvonne Wenger, July 24, 2014