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Denied Social Security? It may come down to basic requirements

On Behalf of | Jul 23, 2014 | Social Security Disability Benefits

For most people the process of applying for Social Security Disability is almost a complete mystery, although some people know the general process. Like any other government assistance program, applying for SSD benefits can be time-consuming and arduous, but millions of Americans every year are left with no choice because of their inability to work due to an injury or illness.

So, what aspects of applying for disability benefits through Social Security are widely known, and which are more obscure? Well, recognizing that many people need even the most basic information about SSD benefits in order to attempt to determine whether or not they are eligible to apply, a recent article noted a couple of important points from both categories.

First and foremost, there are obviously certain medical requirements that must be met. Applicants have to have a “disability,” as defined by federal regulations. Although certain medical conditions can result in automatically qualifying for benefits, other disabilities will require a great deal of verification that the individual with the condition will not be able to work for at least a year due to the condition. This, obviously, is the more commonly known aspect of SSD benefits.

But, perhaps what many people don’t know is that not only is it requirement that a disability keeps a worker for doing the job they’ve been doing, but the disability must keep them from doing most any other work. In essence, it is not enough that an applicant can no longer do their current job because of the disability; they must be ineligible for other work that would require an adjustment as well. Many people don’t know that when they apply, and then they are surprised when they are denied Social Security Disability benefits.

Source: Daily Finance, “Disability Benefits: How Social Security Decides If You Deserve Them,” Dan Caplinger, July 13, 2014

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