Those seeking Social Security disability benefits assistance often face bureaucratic hurdles, delays and denials. This can be a significant burden for those diagnosed with severe illness or injury. In an effort to ease the burdens on Social Security disability claimants and their families, the Social Security Administration is expanding the Compassionate Allowances program. The expansion and additional resources will allow those with serious illness to get fast-tracked approval.
The conditions allowed on the list are so serious that the sufferers easily meet the definition of “disabled.” Claimants need only provide proper documentation of the disease. The Compassionate Allowances allows claims by people with serious illnesses including cancer, early onset Alzheimer’s and Lou Gehrig’s disease to get their claims fast-tracked, approved and distributed. The expansion of this program is also an attempt to deal with the increase in SSD claims. The program will be expanded to include a total of 200 diseases and conditions.
Disability claims increase during rough economic periods because those with disabilities may lose jobs. Unemployment during a difficult economic period leaves those with disabilities without an alternative income. The expansion of the Compassionate Allowances program will allow claimants with severe illnesses may see quicker turn around than in years past.
If you or someone you love needs Social Security disability or is applying for Supplemental Security Income, an experienced attorney can help you present necessary documentation to support your claim. If you or someone you love suffers from a serious or fatal illness on the Compassionate Allowances list, an experienced attorney can review your case and help you get the fast-tracked benefits you need and deserve.
Source: The Associated Press, “Social Security disability claims will be sped up by program’s expansion,” Dec. 5, 2012