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Smartphone app walks applicants through SSD process

On Behalf of | Oct 25, 2011 | Social Security Disability Benefits

If you are thinking about filing for Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Income benefits, to say that the process is daunting would be a huge understatement. The paperwork is complicated, the requirements are confusing, and the waiting period is long. If you need help wading through the process, it may be a good idea for you to find an experienced Social Security Disability attorney for advice and assistance. Should you decide to go it alone, however, there is another place that you can go to find answers to your questions: your smartphone.

An advocacy group for SSD recipients recently launched a new smartphone app to help SSD applicants and recipients, or anyone who has questions about the programs and the processes, gain more information about Social Security Disability and Medicare eligibility. The app is available for both the iPhone and Android platforms.

There are several different functions of the app. It gives clear answers to basic questions and explains the differences between SSD, SSI, and similar disability programs. In addition, it can also answer more complicated, situation-specific questions, such as “How do I file taxes for a lump sum retroactive award?”

Finally, the “My Answers” function of the app will walk its users through a detailed survey to determine whether their SSD or SSI application is likely to be approved by the Social Security Administration. Of course, this does not guarantee the success or failure of the application, but it can give some helpful guidance during the complicated SSD application and appeals process.

Source: The Washington Post, “Smartphone app offers help for people seeking disability benefits,” Aaron Leitko, Oct. 10, 2011

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