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Los Angeles Fire Department looks to prevent deaths and injuries

On Behalf of | Sep 17, 2014 | Social Security Disability Benefits For Injuries

Each year millions of Americans find themselves in a position where they must apply for Social Security Disability benefits for injury related problems. Whether the injury occurred on the job or in other circumstances, these applicants are unable to work and they need financial assistance. For these people, it is great that a social safety net like SSD benefits is available. But, it is also good news when someone is out there trying to make sure that injuries don’t happen to begin with.

According to a recent report, the Los Angeles Fire Department is working to help curb the instances of fires, which can leave people burned, scarred and disabled. Over 100 fire stations throughout the Los Angeles area have received smoke alarms through donations, and these alarms can be distributed for free. This is part of a wider campaign to inform the public about how useful smoke alarms can be in preventing fire-related injuries and deaths.

If any of our Los Angeles readers have ever known someone who was involved in a serious fire-related accident, they know that severe burns can have a dramatic impact on a person’s quality of life. Some people are left so severely burned that they are unable to work any longer, and as a result they need to apply for SSD benefits.

Anyone who is dealing with an inability to work due to an injury will probably need to get more information about the Social Security Disability application process at some point. At this point in the economic “recovery,” there aren’t too many people who have been injured and who are still in a position to just draw on their savings and hope that they rehabilitate fast enough to get back into the workforce.

Source:, “L.A. aims to reduce civilian fire injuries, death,” Rick Orlov, Sept. 9, 2014

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